Have you ever read a book which literally changed the course of your thinking and your life? That is the nature of this course which uses The 5000 Year Leap as the text. It is taught by professional educators at the East Side Tea Party Activity Center.
It is a study of the United States Constitution from a principle based approach. You will learn where the founding Fathers got their ideas for sound government and how a return to these ideas can solve our nation’s problems today.
Once a student has a working knowledge of the only correct and proven principles for freedom, prosperity, and peace, then other history classes can be taught from a whole different perspective. American History becomes a study of how the United States, throughout its 200 plus years, has either supported the principles of liberty and prospered or violated these principles and suffered.
Can any other knowledge be more helpful to the rising generation in America today? Our course will cover two principles each week. The curriculum includes video presentations, class discussion, homework, quizzes and tests! We believe the course is appropriate for students 13 and above. It will be taught by our team of professional educators.
Books are available to loan for this program, A 5.00 deposit will be requested. Please indicate whether or not you will need a book or will supply your own when you select your “ticket”. It is okay to be without the book during the first meeting.
(One patriot PAID her teenaged grandson $200.00 to read this book! While the incentive was needed for him to start reading, he admitted that it was not needed for him to finish it!)