The May 25th Advisory Council meeting has been moved to 7PM, June 1st, due to the Memorial Day Holiday. Council members should still communicate via email prior to the meeting to make plans.
If you have not joined our council but have suggestions for a future meeting, please attend our advisory council meeting or click HERE to contact us. Normally, our Advisory Council meetings are held at 7PM on the 4th Monday of every month at our activity center.
Something to Remember on Memorial Day
“For love of country they accepted death, and thus resolved all doubts, and made immortal their patriotism and their virtue. For the noblest man that lives, there still remains a conflict. He must still withstand the assaults of time and fortune, must still be assailed with temptations, before which lofty natures have fallen; but with these the conflict ended, the victory was won, when death stamped on them the great seal of heroic character, and closed a record which years can never blot.” – James Garfield – “Decoration Day” Speech excerpt (Source)
Thank you! for moving the meeting. Have a Happy Memorial Day!