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Liberty Lost in Legal Lunacy

Near my home there is an elementary school. The speed limit on the main road perpendicular to the entrance is 40 miles an hour. There is an electronic sign reminding people to slow down in the school zone. The sign even displays your speed and flashes if it “thinks” you are driving too fast. Sounds reasonable, right? The problem is this “smart” sign is idiotic. The sign is always on,

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America After …

On January 20th, 2021 America inaugurated another President devoted to erasing America’s value and history. Conservatives have a great deal to accomplish and we have a large number of adversaries. The words and actions of many indicate they are giving up. Here are my humble opinions of how to direct America after riots, after “elections,” and after Trump. ”It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust

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The Second Amendment – History in Reverse

How does the past shape the importance of the right to bear arms today?


Will My Vote Count?

A short time ago, some of us met at our Tea Party office to discuss an issue that is stealthily growing, but was outside our influence at the time. This is the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC). We chose to take a stand against this stealthy, but persistent threat to our nation. For ten years our motto has been “Citizenship is not a Spectator Sport.” So we agreed to

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2019 Tax Day Tea Party

History shows that socialism has failed everywhere it has been implemented, because it rejects a fundamental ingredient of what makes capitalism successful – ownership. The more aggressively socialism is pursued, the bigger the failure that results. History also shows that capitalism is the economic system that has brought more people out of poverty than any other system. Finally, history shows that you cannot have political freedom without economic freedom. The moment you begin to limit economic freedom, you begin to limit political freedom. Socialism limits economic freedom, the result is limited political freedom. We have seen this happen throughout history, from the Soviet Union to Venezuela, and now we even see the middle class revolting against the high levels of taxation (i.e. limit on economic freedom) required by socialism in

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